The definition of technology is , “the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry.”
Compared to one hundred years ago technology has changed dramatically. In 1918 the major invention was the superheterodyne radio circuit which almost every radio or television set uses this invention. Today advances in AI, networks, robotics, space exploration and medicine far exceed what our parents and grandparents imaged. In 1918 only 8% of homes had a landline telephone. Today, nearly 80% of the US population has a smartphone. In fact, nearly 50% of every American households now use cellphones as their main method of contact.
Technology can help businesses and companies apply the most effective solutions in communicating with their clients. Thus, improving bottom line results. Or, technology can burden a company with depth and complicated solutions that are never fully adopted. It is a fine line between both of those camps, which can make or break a company. Staying on top of all the changes in technology is often balanced with the need for cost control measures. To ensure that business don’t expend money to buy new technology just for the sake of keeping up with the Joneses. Each business will have different pain points and needs to be addressed. Both should be considered heavily before adapting a new solution, or if one is needed.
Call Center, Cloud and Telecom technology is forever improving and sometimes we can get lost in the “Cloud” or Internet of Things. At SingleSource, we understand that balancing the need to implement new technology for efficiency can’t go without being hand in hand with successful implementation. Without both of these working in conjunction, most companies wont achieve their ROI. Sometimes knowing where to go or who to ask for expertise is better than throwing good money after bad. And at SingleSource, we bend over backwards to make sure that both are accommodate, so you’re happy, and meet goals.